What is “A Little Taste Of…”?

Hello to all the chefs, aspiring cooks, foodies, gourmets, and everyone in general who loves to eat! Welcome to A Little Taste Of…, a site dedicated to global culinary exploration. Here you can explore foods and recipes that readers consider to be classic reminders of home, view readers’ most memorable dishes from around the world, and request recipes for dishes that have left an everlasting impression on you – all of which will, hopefully, help spur a little taste of culinary innovation and growth. Confused? Well let me break down each concept for you:

1) “… explore foods and recipes that readers consider to be classic reminders of home

Have you ever experienced a moment where, despite all of the amazing new and modern food around you, all you really wanted was a little taste of that one comforting dish you loved eating when you were growing up? Well guess what – you’re not alone!  Even a simple dish that you may feel is  self-explanatory or a dish that is already well-known and has been recreated so many times (think: spaghetti & meatballs, fried rice, etc.) will pique the interest of at least one other reader out there in the world. So, go ahead – share that recipe! It’s a well-known fact that the most authentic of recipes come from home kitchens, so please post your recipe and spread a little taste of your home! And for readers viewing the recipe – please share your special tips & tricks as well!

If you’re on the opposite end – craving a little taste of a dish from home, but not knowing where or how to get it so it tastes just right (especially if you cannot easily travel back home), then you’ve come to the right place! With the help of readers around the world, A Little Taste Of… can transport you to your own kitchen back home and help you find the perfect recipe to make you feel at home regardless of where you may be at the moment.

2) “…view readers’ most memorable dishes from around the world

Have you ever tasted a dish that you felt was just absolutely amazing and have subsequently spent hours upon hours thinking about? Perhaps you were out strolling on the streets while on vacation and just happened to walk into a little, unmarked restaurant and tasted something that truly took your breath away? Well if you’ve found a recipe, share it with the world (along with a special story to allow us to share in a little taste of that magical moment of discovery!), or if you are still trying to figure out how to cook it again, post a picture or a description, which leads us to…

3) ” …and request recipes for dishes that have left an everlasting impression on you

Post a picture of a dish (or describe a dish, if you do not have a picture) for which you would like to request a recipe (or a different version of your existing recipe), and hopefully, another reader will hold the key to a little taste of your mystery dish! But be sure to also give a brief description of the area where you found this dish (city, country, region, etc.) so we can all make sure we’re finding the right recipe for you!

To create a post for a recipe, picture, or recipe request, email alittletasteofcooking@gmail.com and we will be sure to share it with the world!

With these 3 elements packed into A Little Taste Of…, I hope all of you out there will discover a little taste of something magical. Remember to check back often for new recipes/recipe requests and to also share your special recipes and help us be transported to your hometown.

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